Low Number Scrimmages
By Dr. Jeff Schutt
When playing basketball, what exactly is low number play or scrimmages? In the sport of basketball, there are 5 athletes on the floor at once so the game is played 5 on 5. When you get five good players together it is a thing of beauty to watch. There is constant movement, passing, efficient dribble moves and great shooting. However, a lot of basketball games are not fun to watch because those above mentioned skills are not developed and the play is very sloppy or becomes a 1 on 5 offense, which is hard to watch.
If you play 1 on1, 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 games, now you automatically force everyone to become better. In a regular 5 on 5 game, an athlete on average will only handle the ball 5 to 6 minutes total the entire game. In the lower number play, athlete will now handle the ball more. The more touches an athlete gets to have the more they develop. They are also forced to make more decisions because even if they don’t have the ball in hand, they are forced to always be involved in the play somehow.
There is more space and gaps to operate in a low number game. For the inexperienced player, 5 on 5 can get too crowded and court vision is reduced. In a game of 3 on 3 or less, the spacing becomes much more visible and helps them make decisions quicker on when to drive or pull up and shoot. As they become more experienced, the athlete will need less space to operate and can get through tiny gaps to cut or drive, but younger players need that extra room to operate so they can learn how to attack the hoop or cut to get open. When the court is too crowded, they end up standing still too much and never learn how to move.
The defensive players learn how to help better and quicker. In travel ball, defense is almost a lost art. Only a few travel teams really teach defense. The best defenders know how to help another player with guarding their opponent. In games of 3 on 3 especially, there is a lot of pick and roll action. The third player not involved in guarding the screen or roll needs to help guard the roller so there is not an open path the rim for a score. This happens a lot so the concept of helping on defense is reinforced much more in 3 on 3 games. Then when a regular game of 5 on 5 is played, it is easier for the athletes to understand how to help.
Passing and the catch and shoot is a big part of 3 on 3 play. Because 3 on 3 allows for a lot of gaps to drive through, it forces the third defender to help as we just talked about. When a defender helps, there is a teammate wide open somewhere for a catch and shoot if you can make the pass to them. This teaches an athlete how to pass and it teaches the shooter how to have the hands, feet and eyes ready to shoot the ball.
If the above article makes sense to you, then you might be interested in our upcoming 3 on 3 sessions beginning in September. These sessions are perfect if you want to get ready for the upcoming basketball season or you are involved in another sport and don’t have time for AAU ball in which you travel around a lot.
Schutt Performance & Fitness Presents
Basketball Skills Training and 3 on 3 Tournament
Schutt Performance is now taking names for individuals interested in skill training and a 3 on 3 league held once per week for a total of 6 weeks. The purpose of 3 on 3 play is to teach the athlete how to develop the skill of creating their own or a teammates shot. In a game of 3 on 3, the athlete must play defense the whole time not only on the ball, but also help defense. The athlete is always involved in the action whether it is shooting, dribbling, setting picks or defending the pick and roll on each and every possession. There will be a time period in which only one designated athlete is allowed to score. This teaches the non-aggressive athlete how to create a shot or use a screen. It also teaches the very aggressive athlete how to get a teammate open instead of shooting the ball every time. Each member of the team will get a time period to be the scorer and then at the end there will be open play so anyone can score.
Each training session will consist of an hour of skill work on shooting, dribbling, offensive moves to and around the basket along with defensive skill work. Then the names of each athlete will be drawn and they will be put on a different 3 on 3 team each week. Points will be given to each athlete every week depending on how their team finishes. The top three athletes at the end of the 6 week session will receive a prize.
Cost of training is $40 for the 2 hour session each week. Athletes must commit to coming once a week for the 6 week session so proper tournament play can be established. Total cost of the six week program is $240 (includes reversible jersey) Class size is limited so only the first 24 athletes who register for each division will be enrolled. In case of illness or vacations, there will be a waiting list to fill tournament spots. No refunds will be given once payment is made.
If an athlete does not register early enough to be in the first 24 group, they may come to the first hour of training for a $20 fee. They are designated as an alternate. They will not be eligible to play in the second hour tournament if the first 24 are all there. If one of the first 24 is absent, then the order of the alternates as they arrive that day, gets the chance to play in the tournament for that day.
We are now taking registration of athletes in the following divisions:
We run the 3 on 3 program late September and October. Once we get enough participants interested we will schedule the program. Put your name in now if interested.
Location – Yorkville Christian High School 2001 Whitekirk Lane, Yorkville, IL
Please send the following information to drjeffschutt@comcast.net
Name of Athlete
Grade in School
Jersey Size
Please email drjeffschutt@comcast.net to reserve your class time and please complete the online waivers for Schutt Performance and YCHS before participating.
Schutt Performance & Fitness Waiver Link